Kula body is a yoga and pilates studio in Turrumurra, Sydney. And, it has a sauna and a float tank!
This is a selection of images shot mostly in their studio space with some departures to the surrounds of Sydney; part of an image-library with a wide application span for workshops, events, web and social purposes. Bright and light-filled, the studio opens to an amazing view of treetops and sky which allows for some amazing natural light and not to forget ... a peaceful practice.
The shoot left me with something very warm - the diversity of people that make up this community and how it all comes together as a strength. From the variety of practice that is on offer, to the personalities that deliver them; and it all shows in the resulting images!
Make sure you check in to the space when you are up in Turramurra for a physical treat.
Team and Tools:
With Lauren Dudley | Jenifer Best | Christopher Osborn | Alistair Hart | Troy Terzian | Poune Parsenejad | Dien Tran |Rebecca Lawrence
Nikon D850 | 35mm | 105mm | 58mm | 70-200mm Nikkors
LED tubes x2 | Profoto B1 x2 | 5 & 3 foot shoot through umbrellas | large screen reflectors
Pre-Colored on Capture One | Retouched on Photoshop CC