A set of images in lifestyle shot in Sydney; photographs of the youth lifestyle.
Road trips and care-free times with friends seem like they are from an age away, yet in my mind, the memories are so fresh... just like the energy I remember when the the blood was young. Now, it's only the mind that is... and that is all that matters!
Sourcing talent and resources for this was challenging; most had school, work or exams. At the end of it, sourcing came from agency, Starnow and simply scouring through IG for relevant looks. Special thanks has to go to Paul Fioretto for lending a hand on getting key elements together... mucho gracias Soap Productions.
We all met at 530am before the sun came up for hair and make-up - LEDs were setup for production though, we wished we had hot-lights to counter the 8 degree chill. Down jackets, hot drinks, gloves were prepped to ensure we were comfortable and safe for hair & make-up. Location for prep was scouted to ensure a toilet was available for the team and quick / safe access to the locations we required.
Not willing to let the cold get in to our still bodies whilst hair and make-up worked on the ladies, Adam and I took the car for a small shoot off-side - using available light from the street lamps, rising sun and headlights from his car. See some of the images here - Moody Sunrise
Soon after, we were off shooting the first of the images as the sun rose. Young Blood is a set of images with the narrative of a care-free group of friends taking in life as they explore this iconic bridge and its surrounds.
Team and Tools:
Hair, Make-Up, Models x3, Photographer
With Ruby Caracoglia | Bridgette Soriero |Soliel Russo (| Alice Olivia | Adam McMeeking
Nikon D850 | 24-70mm | 70-200mm | Profoto A1| Nanlite Pavatubes
Weather App |Photographer's Ephemeris | Pre-Scout | Planned Brief (styling, location, shot list)
Pre-Colored on Capture One | Retouched on Photoshop CC